List of all publications (according to categories of the publications)


Saar, E, Ure, O.B. and Holford, J. (Eds.). Lifelong Learning in Europe: National Patterns and Challenges. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2013.

Book chapters

Kapitel 5.5 Länderstudie Norwegen: The recognition of informal and non-formal learning outcomes for formally low-skilled persons: status quo and perspectives. Bertelsmann Stiftung. Continuing education for all. Study: Recognition of informal learning. Gütersloh, Germany; 2015.

“Lifelong learning for civic employees and employable citizens?”, chapter in M. Kuhn, R. Sultana (eds.) Homo sapiens Europaeus? Creating the European Learning Citizen, Peter Lang, N.Y. 2006.

Studies and reports

Ure, O. B. (2019). European inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning. 2018 update: Norway.

Renewing VET provision. Understanding feedback mechanisms between initial VET and the labour market. CEDEFOP Research Paper No. 37 (Jörg Markowitsch, Tanja Bacher, Carol Costley, David Etherington, Gerhard Geiger, Günter Hefler, Jelena Helemäe, Triin Roosalu, Ellu Saar, Auni Tamm and Odd Bjørn Ure). CEDEFOP 2013.

Lifelong Learning Strategies: Critical factors and good practice in implementation. A final report submitted by GHK Consulting. Written by Daniela Ulicna, Odd Bjørn Ure, Patrick Werquin. Brussels, December 2010.

Formal education in an informal Norwegian culture of enterprise training. Six cases collected from maritime and offshore environments. National report from subproject 4 in the frame of the EU 6th FW project LLL2010. Fafo-paper 2010:21, Oslo.

O.-A. Stensen, O. B. Ure: Social inclusion in adult education is more than implementing mainstream public policy – a compilation of interviews in Norwegian adult education institutions. National report from subproject 5 in the frame of the EU 6th FW project LLL2010. Fafo-paper 2010:16

E. Brandt, T. Thune, O. B Ure: ”Tilbud og etterspørsel av etter- og videreutdanning i Norge. En analyse av status, strategier og samspill.” Background report for the (White paper) Report No. 44 Storting “Education strategy”. Fafo/NIFU, Oslo; 2009.

Ure, O. B. (2009): Skandinavisk fagbevegelse og EUs nye medlemsland: Samarbeid eller framvisning av glansbilder? Fafo-rapport 2009:17.

Lifelong learning in Norway: a deflating policy balloon or an act of piecemeal implementation? National report in the frame of the EU 6th framework project LLL2010. Fafo-report 2007:30, Oslo.

Lifelong learning in Norway: a deflating policy balloon or an act of piecemeal implementation? National report in the frame of the EU 6th framework project LLL2010. Fafo-report 2007:30, Oslo.

2002: “A contribution to the INTERMEDIATE REPORT on the e-learning action plan”, Contract signed with the Multimedia Unit of DG Education&Culture.

“Training and management of human resources in the services sectors”. Report from a seminar organised by DG XXII/B2 of the European Commission; 1997.

“Vocational training in the European Union. Competence and competitivity”, Report to the Confederation of Norwegian Business and Industry*; 1995.

1994: “EFTA countries in COMETT II – Added value of opening the 2nd phase of COMETT”. Report from the COMETT Technical Assistance Office to the European Commission.

“Training for sustainable employment in the European Union. Development of qualifications in European training programmes”. Report to the Norwegian Ministry of Education, 1994.

Journal articles

Odd Bjørn Ure (2022): The EU Introduction of Learning Outcomes: Norms and Standards versus Transparency and Comparability of Qualifications?, International Journal of Public Administration

Odd Bjørn Ure, Tom Skauge: SKILLS AND EMPLOYMENT UNDER AUTOMATION – active adaptation at the local level. International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training, Vol 6 No 3 (2019).

Odd Bjørn Ure: Learning Outcomes between learner centredness and institutionalisation of Qualification Frameworks. Policy Futures in Education, Vol 17, Issue 2, 2019.

Odd Bjørn Ure: Governance for Learning Outcomes in European Policy-Making: Qualification Frameworks Pushed through the Open Method of Coordination. International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training. Vol. 2, No. 4, 2015.

Ellu Saar, Odd Bjørn Ure & Richard Desjardins: The Role of Diverse Institutions in Framing Adult Learning Systems; European Journal of Education, Vol. 48, No. 2, 2013.

Manuel Souto-Otero, Odd Bjørn Ure: The coherence of vocational education and training in Norway and Spain: National traditions and the reshaping of VET governance in hybrid VET systems. Compare, Vol. 42, No. 1, January 2012, 91–111.

Marianne Dæhlen, Odd Bjørn Ure: Low-skilled adults in formal continuing education. Does their motivation differ from other learners? International Journal of Lifelong Education, vol. 28, no. 5 2009.

“Lifelong learning: Beyond Education and Training”, Odd Björn Ure and James P. Gavigan, the IPTS report n° 46, July 2000, ISSN 1025-9384.


Ure, Odd Björn: Learning Outcomes as a Social Construct and Example of Boundary Crossing Between Societal Sectors.
Paper presented at the 4th Crossing Boundaries Conference in Vocational Education and Training.
Published in: C. Nägele, B.E. Stalder, & M. Weich (Eds.), Pathways in Vocational Education and Training and Lifelong Learning. Proceedings of the 4th Crossing Boundaries Conference in Vocational Education and Training, Muttenz and Bern online, 8. – 9. April 2021 (pp. 342–347).
European Research Network on Vocational Education and Training, VETNET, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland and Bern University of Teacher Education.

An enlarged version of the paper is available here:
O.B. Ure_enlarged conference paper_25-4-2021

The original conference paper can be downloaded at:

Skauge, T.; Ure, O.B.: Literature for studies of upskilling and technology management in clusters of SME. A review. Research Paper, University College of Bergen, 2014.

GOVERNANCE FOR LEARNING OUTCOMES IN NEW TIMES OF KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTION? Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) in the network of VETNET, Session “Changing VET in Organisations”. Porto, 2nd September 2014.

Ure, O. B. and I.M. Hagen (2010): På vei mot et arbeidslivsfond innenfor den nye avtalen om EØS-midlene. Prioriteringer for godt partssamarbeid i Øst- og Mellom-Europa. Fafo-notat 2010:02, Oslo.

O. B Ure, Ellu Saar: Skill formation in Norway and Estonia: one or several systems within one nation? Paper to the 6th International Conference on Researching Work and Learning. June 28th to July 1st, 2009, Roskilde

Validation of non-formal and informal learning in Norway: An advanced framework on the verge of implementation. National thematic paper in the frame of DG Employment’s ‘Mutual Learning Programme’. Paris 8-9 November 2007.

«Learning is too important to be left to…» A contribution to general frameworks for Classroom Training and Workplace Training. Fafo-paper 2007:21

“Validation of prior learning and its policy environment. How a European Inventory can support the development in a thematic field”. Paper to support round-table discussion at the European Conference on Educational Research, Dublin 7-10 September 2005.

“Knowledge sharing and citizens’ empowerment in education and social policies. ‘Popular education’ and ‘self-help’ in a comparative perspective”. Paper to 21st EGOS Colloquium, Sub theme: Organisation of knowledge, Knowledge in Organisations, Berlin June 2005

S. Skule, O. B. Ure: (2004): Lifelong learning in Norway – Norwegian experiences. Identification and validation of non-formal and informal learning. Fafo-paper 2004:21. Oslo.

Aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida: el caso español”, XIV Congreso de factores y entornos de progreso: Grupo de trabajo de el papel de la formación en la generación de entornos de progreso, Madrid, 14 de octubre de 2003.

“Skill transformations, projections and systems”, Contribution to the Prospective analysis 2020: Impact of technological and structural change on employment. IPTS/ESTO report to the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, 2002.

“Lifelong learning in education&training systems – Information, skills and employability”. Paper WBL to the conference “Learning without limits”, organised by the European Distance Education Network, Stockholm 10-13 June 2001

“GATEWAY to the European Learning Area – The construction of an Internet portal for education and training resources”. Paper to the International Conference on ICT for Education; Vienna, 6-9 December 2000.