In a study by the Bertelsmann Foundation, national experts from seven other European countries gave an overview of the current state of recognition of non-formal and informal learning in their respective countries. The chapter on Norway was written by Consultur. Studies&Analyses.
The foundation co-ordinating the study write on their website that for Germany, cross-national experiences could provide guidance and impetus for targeted transfer as this country seeks to introduce recognition procedures of its own. The main test criteria for a recognition system in Germany are the following:
• the degree of legal binding force of the validation procedures,
• acceptance of certificates in the education and employment system,
• awareness of recognition possibilities (not only) for formally low-qualified persons and easy access.
The eight country chapters contain analysis of national recognition frameworks along the abovementioned criteria.
A short version of the study will be published in English by December 2015, while this version in German can already be downloaded for free at:
A glimpse of the long version of the study comprising all eight country chapters, together with an order form for the entire publication can be found at:
Enjoy your reading!